Terms and Conditions

If you want a more in-depth terms and conditions, click this link , a website CREATED BY JSTDAM.

Luminesence may be refrenced as "Us", "We," or any other thing in that manner. The consumer may be refrenced as the "user". Luminesence LTD reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time, and it is the user's responsobility to check the sources page for any possible updates.xc The user also agrees that upon downloading the website, they will not claim nor falsely provide anything against Luminesence LTD. The user is expected not to take, steal or distribute any of the code for a profit. They may also not reproduce the website on any platform without the direct permission of Luminesence LTD. The content of this website may unknowing be ported to another site, without the knowlage of the new user. It is the user's responsobility to check their copy of the website and to gaurentee its authoticity. Stackoverflow was also used as a source to display information and other tools. As well as a special thank you to jstdam for helping me with s̶o̶m̶e̶ NOT THAT MANY SCRIPTS.

What happens to your information?

While we may have zero intent on filitering out malicious actvity, we do use users data for a number of things. Information may be gathered for personal ads, sold, or other things. Date of birth, and other information may be sold to keep to ongoing of the website. Luminesence LTD will not be held accountable for any information lost.


There may be a variety of false information or claims made on the Luminesence-Website. We do not gaurentee the safty of the user from maleware, phising ads, possible spyware embedded on false versions, or ransomware that is displayed on the site. We can not gaurentee the cleaness of ad companies and what they present on the site. Additionally, we do not take claim for what online scammers may user our trademark for.


The following are a list of sources used. If there are any missing, please contact us right away.

*T&S stands for terms and conditions. Please email us for questions.
All of the following requirements are met at the downloading of this website.