
Embedable Javascript that can be put onto any page to get what you want. Highly usefull, though some websites may ip ban you if used to much. Other lines of code can just improve the overall quality of a website. Keep in mind that if any of these Javascript codes are to old, they may break the website!

This line of code can make any site dark! Just put it into any page console and it will invert any of the colors! It will break images.

This line of code can make any site dark! Just put it into any page console and it will invert any of the colors! It will break images.

Here is a code snipit that you can copy into the F12 menu to rename the current tab!

Hate the icon of a tab? Just copy this code into the F12 box and than click enter! Paste the wanted image address into the pop-up.

Want to flood your history with useless stuff? Make a bookmark and paste this code the page you want to show in your history.

Want to have an automatic autoclicker on any page? Simply put this into any page console, and watch how fast you will be clicking!

Clicking anywhere removes the page! A fun prank on your friends!

Turn your boring keyboard into a piano using this simple javascript code!

Trouble seeing something? Mess with this and it will probobly do something.

Get code Want to prank your friends? Just go to this link and pretend that you have been hacked!

Get code Want to get all answers right in blooket? Just click at the button to do so!

LumiJS Put this code into your bookmark bar and get access to a load of diffrent and unique hacks!


Want to encrypt your messages that you send? Just put in the message and send it! Type in the text you want encrypted, then a custom password for better secrecy. Then click the decrypt button to get it back.

Data to encrypt:

Encrypted Value:

Decrypted Value:

Mistmatched Client

Having a bootlegged version of the client can lead to mishaps. Please install the right version to your website.